Information as of 2/14/2024:

So far, 46 pilots have registered for IMAC Czech 2024 (count as of March 1, 2024). The starting list is limited to 35 pilots. The organizer announces the deadline for applications as of 31.3.2024. Registered pilots who do not pay the entry fee by this date will give up their reserved places to pilots who are "below the line" (the number in brackets after the name means the order of applications 36 - 50).

Dear pilots and fans of the category of giant aerobatic aircraft models!

Let us invite you to the competition IMAC Czech 2024 - EuroCup - Open International Competition.

June 27, 28, 29, 30, 2024.
RC airfield Klášterec nad Ohří, Czech Republic
GPS 50°24'19.0"N 13°12'51.3"E (there is a beautiful new UL airport - Google does not have an updated map yet)

Arrival map and layout of the competition venue - en (coming soon) 

Mapa příjezdu a uspořádání místa sotěže - cz (coming soon)

Information for competitors - en  (coming soon)

Informace pro soutěžící - cz (coming soon)

Pilots from any Country are invited. The following IMAC classes will be flown: Sportsman, Intermediate, Advanced, Unlimited, Free-Style.
Current IMAC regulations will be applied to all matters.
International IMAC qualified Jury - will be specified later
Organizer: LMK Sudovo Hlavno
Organizational team leader: Radek Průcha (E-mail: Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.)

Necessary: valid insurance for RC planes to 25kg

All registrations will all be accepted, but finalized after payment of the 100 Euro Fee. Please add your name and category.
Registrations will be accepted up to a total of 35 Pilots.
Overflowing Subscriptions will enter a waiting list.

Registration - see the link

Make the entry fee payment (2400 Kč / 100 EUR) as soon as possible.

Bank details for SEPA payment in EUR:

  • Bank account: 2902722183 / 2010
  • IBAN: CZ86 2010 0000 0029 0272 2183

Bank connection for payment in CZK:

2902722183 / 2010

(If the competition is canceled due to a coronavirus pandemic, the entry fee will be refunded in full.)

Competition begin on Friday 28.6. 2024 at 8 morning.

First version of program:

You cannot arrive at the airport before Wednesday 26 June 2023.

• Wednesday – free flying (observance of local rules and instructions of the organizer is a condition)
• Thursday – official training
• Friday– official flights
• Saturday – official flights
• Sunday – official flights and ceremony

The competition will be held at RC airfield Klášterec nad Ohří.

A large grass track will be prepared and a hangar will be available to store the models. It will be possible to camp in close proximity to the airport (without facilities and electricity). There are several good guesthouses and hotels in the area.